About us
We started with a grand, yet simple vision for the future. A future where Big Pharma and Big Everything no longer has control over We, The People; where the power of choice is returned to the individual and we shift the paradigm from treating disease, to creating health.
Since it launched in April 2022, it has been adopted by The People in 31 countries as of Dec 2022. Here in New Zealand we have been growing the PHA since July 2022. How do we achieve this? By creating an organic, people-led approach to healthcare, bringing everything back to community level, for The People, by The People. Creating an integrated health initiative that aims to facilitate the creation of heart-centred health hubs at community level.
We’re here to facilitate your ideas, inspirations and creations within your local communities. We’re about collaborations, connections and support. We understand that health is far more than treating the symptoms of disease. We know that true health comes from taking an integrated approach, considering mind, body and spirit.
We want to support you to take ownership of your own health choices. How that looks will be different for each person but we want to encourage every single one of you to start viewing these choices as an investment in the health of your future self.
Here at The People’s Health Alliance, we hope to inspire you to shift your perceptions and mindset around healthcare. It’s time to start listening to yourself. Your body can tell you all sorts of things when you quieten your mind and really start to get in tune with it. We have been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for too long. It’s time to go within. It’s time to reconnect with nature and all of the healing qualities it holds.