About us

We started with a grand, yet simple vision for the future. A future where Big Pharma and Big Everything no longer has control over We, The People; where the power of choice is returned to the individual and we shift the paradigm from treating disease, to creating health.

Since it launched in April 2022, it has been adopted by The People in 31 countries as of Dec 2022. Here in New Zealand we have been growing the PHA since July 2022. How do we achieve this? By creating an organic, people-led approach to healthcare, bringing everything back to community level, for The People, by The People. Creating an integrated health initiative that aims to facilitate the creation of heart-centred health hubs at community level.

We’re here to facilitate your ideas, inspirations and creations within your local communities. We’re about collaborations, connections and support. We understand that health is far more than treating the symptoms of disease. We know that true health comes from taking an integrated approach, considering mind, body and spirit.

We want to support you to take ownership of your own health choices. How that looks will be different for each person but we want to encourage every single one of you to start viewing these choices as an investment in the health of your future self.

Here at The People’s Health Alliance, we hope to inspire you to shift your perceptions and mindset around healthcare. It’s time to start listening to yourself. Your body can tell you all sorts of things when you quieten your mind and really start to get in tune with it. We have been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for too long. It’s time to go within. It’s time to reconnect with nature and all of the healing qualities it holds.

Our Principles

  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Work collaboratively and communicate effectively.
  • Act in the best interest of your clients and colleagues.
  • Commit to self-improvement and learning new things.
  • Embrace an integrated approach.
    • Take responsibility for your own actions.
    • Acknowledge we are all equals regardless of role.
    • Empower people to take responsibility for their own health.
    • Always do your best for yourself and others.
    • Remain lawful.


      We recognise the need for a new healthcare approach. One that takes a holistic view and brings power of choice back to the patient. We see the need to unify and connect with like-minded people and organisations who understand the importance of a people-led approach. One that puts people first and who’s practitioners have a genuine desire to help.

      Our role is one of facilitator – supporting those who wish to set up their own health hubs, connecting patients with practitioners via our hubs’ online directories and sharing a wealth of health information from our Partners & Affiliates via webinars, online courses and articles on the website.

      No, we are a people-led movement that encourages local communities to set up their own local hubs filled with knowledgeable practitioners who offer a range of individualised health services. 

      Access to our website is free. The Health Hub Blueprint and Health Optimisation Programme are gifted to you, free of charge, as we feel very strongly that this information needs to be shared far and wide. 

      We aim to connect patients with health hubs closest to them and they will connect you to their practitioners – any costs associated with treatments will be between you and your practitioner.

      We want everyone to be able to access all of the services on offer. We are currently looking at various options to create a social care pot that will support those who may need financial assistance. We also encourage each hub/practitioner to look at ways to support those in low-income situations, such as pay it forward schemes and fundraising options. We cover many ideas in our health hub blueprint.

      PHA do not provide any medical services ourselves, we simply facilitate the connections with healthcare practitioners at a primary care level. We are not in a position to support secondary or acute care at this stage.

      As part of our second phase, we will be supporting community hubs to train people in Advanced First Aid for situations where ambulance services are failing to respond to urgent assistance and sustaining life is needed! It is not our intention to replace the first responder or emergency services that are currently in existence across NZ but support local communities where needed.

      We are aware that many people are concerned about the injuries caused by vaccines. Many doctors, scientists and practitioners are working very hard to develop protocols to help those who are suffering from various side effects.

      We have a Health Recovery Programme that may support those with vaccine injuries, long covid and a range of inflammatory conditions. Please always seek medical advice in the first instance.

      We have a comprehensive hub blueprint that which will be a great starting point. We can also help to connect you with others who are establishing their own community health hubs across the country. If this is something you’re interested in, please join our Telegram channel: https://t.me/PHANewZealand

      As a member of a community hub your contact details will be listed in the Practitioner Directory once their web site is up and running, giving you access to patients looking for your services. You will work in an ethical, patient-focused primary care setting with others pursuing the same vision.  All services will be supported equally – conventional medicine will work alongside holistic therapies – to offer a true integrated approach to health.

      By becoming part of a community hub, you will be working with like-minded individuals who genuinely want to make a difference to improving people’s health and wellbeing. You will be part of an ethical community focused on helping people discover what true health really means and you will have the freedom to support people in the way that works for you and your patients.

      Maybe you have become disillusioned with the health system in its current form and this has been exacerbated by the recent threat of mandates. Or perhaps you also offer alternative health remedies that are not available on the health system and want to work in an integrated way. Whatever drew you to the PHA, we are here to support you with the transition.

      Meet the Team


      Originally from England, I moved here in 2008 and live in West Auckland. I am a photographer, creative, an NLP Master Practitioner and a mother of two. I struggled with a challenged immune system for over 30 years and had many surgeries on my knee that haven’t resolved the issue. My health finally improved with intravenous Vitamin C, Auyervadic treatments, acupuncture, sacral cranial osteopathy, homeopathy, herbs and altering my diet to include nourishing food, removing all processed food. 

      It is so important to me to have a variety of affordable treatment options within our community, that we are educated from a young age on the importance of healthy food and how to maintain good health throughout our lives by finding those treatments that work for us. I love that PHA’s ultimate aim is to empower and strengthen communities to look after themselves and each other. In body, mind and spirit.


      I am an Alexander Technique Teacher of 24 years and a Mother of two living on a small farm in the Far North. I have a passion for Natural medicine, Traditional healing practices and Spiritual innerstanding.  I love to connect people and ideas and am inspired by visionaries like Katherine McBean and the other co founders of The People’s Health Alliance.

      I connected with them soon after hearing about this wonderful initiative. Their enthusiasm for a practical grassroots solution to the crisis we find ourselves in resonated deeply within me. 

      Helping to bring this empowering, collaborative resource to New Zealand is a fulfilling privilege I am grateful for.


      It is an honor to be part of PHA, who are creating the change I have been searching for in healthcare. 

      The shifting of mindset towards taking back responsibility for our own health, through education, that empowers individuals to step towards their health goals, along with affordable consultations and treatments is as important to me as the wonderful community connections that have naturally evolved.

      I found my tribe.


      Stephanie enjoys assisting with health related enquiries on the Telegram platform and responding to emails from the website.

      She sees the growth of the NZ hubs as a joy and is excited about the future that’s being created for sovereign and empowered health choices for every community throughout the country.


      I am a mother of 4 children, 1 cat and 1 dog. I’ve long been passionate about natural health and mental and emotional well-being.

      I approached the PHA to support with any skills I had to offer because I see the PHA as the future of true healthcare.

      I take care of the website, national level marketing materials, general tech support, and supporting our hubs with creating their own flyers and marketing materials.